It always cracks me up to see the pictures Erik takes and the nutty things he has the kids do.

Evan wrestling with John, a guy Erik works with. John has brothers and is really rough so he is perfect for Evan,

Evan burned his leg last night,

the kids find all sorts of things on their walks,

oops, blister popped,

I don't know if this was Evan's idea but I wouldn't put it past Erik to have Evan do this,

this is what happens when the kids get hungry-

a stop at Costco...Erik doesn't even have a Costco card...

ice cream...I guess they were thinking of me...

then they hit
Zippy's for donuts,

this always cracks me up,

dragon shadow tree and then home. That was an 8 mile walk they did on Sunday then they went for a hike on Monday but Erik lost his camera afterwards. I was looking forward to seeing what crazy pictures he took.

Erica made
cottonball sheep to play with,

kitten time,

twins, so so cute. They were living up in the frame of the truck. Erik had to take Erica to horse, when he returned one of the grey kittens went missing. Owen is still mourning the little kitten,

Evan leading a
tae kwon do class,

a song for three.

anyone need a giant puffer?

Erica's hair has been especially curly in the humidity we've had lately.

love all these pictures
Oh my gosh! I don't know were to begin! I love the underwater pics! I love you sharing the adventures that Erik takes them on! The exercise, the fresh air and the memories! I love that EriK loves taking pictures! You both do an awesome job of photojournalism! I am sorry Even for your burn! :-( That doughnut is bigger than Erica's head! But Erica out of all those choices I would have chosen that one too! Looks amazing! Kittens? Are they pets now? Erik looks like he likes them! I wish you had a video of the song for three! That rainbow pic is extraordinary! Love the curls! Love and miss you guys!
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