Friday, June 10, 2011

Opinion Please

Up Date: the wasps are gone, they aren't the nice little honey bees. Thanks for your input Tanya and Michelle!

Okay, this little bee hive sits up under the eave of the house on the side we come and go from and use the most-where we park our cars, by our door we go in and out, and where the kids play (not your side Aloha so don't panic). Erik wants to kill and destroy these poor little guys who just mind their own business. I say they can stay, we don't bother them then they won't bother us. Owen has even been out there power washing the drive way the past couple of days. Plus they are a great learning experience for the kids, kind of like science-although it's not caterpillars and butterflies or worms or even an ant farm there's still something interesting about them...right?

Just as a little side note, when Erik was about 4 or 5 years old, living out in the wilderness, he was stung hundreds of times by bees all over his head and body.


Hauptmanns in Hawaii said...

The hornets are so bad the neighbors moved out

Clint, Tanya, Dane and Kimber said...

Are they honeybees or yellowjackets? Cause if they are yellowjackets, I say get rid of them. But, we had some honeybeens who built a next right next to our patio where we spend a lot of time in the summer and they would fly right by Dane and us to get to their home but never bothered us. Clint said we should just let them be... (No pun intended!) so we did and it worked okay for us. I do understand Erik's point as well...

Clint, Tanya, Dane and Kimber said...

Sorry, honeybeens are not some new species... misspelling on my part! :)

Memories Forever After said...

They look like yellow jackets! If they are I would definitely kill them! They are mean! They will sting over and over again! I am not sure, but since Erik was stung so bad isn't he a higher risk of the sting being really bad if he gets stung again? I agree with Tanya if they aren't honeybees kill them!

alohab said...

did they really? i was wondering why they were cleaning out their garage the other day...