Colossae is the Greek name for a city 12 miles north of Laodicea near the great road from Ephesus. The site is in Turkey and has never been excavated. Paul visited the city and wrote his Epistle to the Colossians, a group of believers who had a home church. Philemon (Phi-le-mon) was a resident of Colossae. Paul write him a personal letter, this is the Epistle to Philemon.
At the time of writing, Paul was in chains in a Roman prison, he opened his letter to the Colossians with pure thanksgiving, his heart was filled and overflowing with faith in Jesus Christ and a love for all the saints. The message: stop worrying about your problems and start praising God for His magnificent power and for the "hope which is laid up for you in heaven." Look for the evidence of His grace, behold what He is doing and has done around you. We can all pray to grow in greater knowledge of God, His grace, and His will. Paul sits in his prison cell praying this for others.
We often use busyness as an excuse for not praying. To paraphrase Martin Luther, "My schedule is so busy today I need to spend more time in prayer." So maybe the reason your life is so busy and often our of control is because you don't spend enough time in prayer. When you don't know how to pray for others follow the example of Paul:
- pray for spiritual wisdom
- pray to please God in all areas of life
- pray to bear fruit
- pray for growth in knowledge of God
- pray to be filled with God's strength
- pray to rejoice and always give thanks in everything
- pray to grow in grace
- pray not to be deceived by the lies of this world
- live with more love-the love of Christ controls you (2 Corinthians 5:14)
- live with more joy-the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)
- live with more generosity-give liberally (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- live with more trust-God supplies all your needs according to His riches (Philippians 4:19)
- live with more strength-I can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13)
- live with more resolve (2 Corinthians 1:20)
- it acknowledges no distinctions-rich or poor...
- it has a heart of compassion-bear with and forgive others
- it has a heart of love-love is an activity not a feeling
- it has a heart of peace and thankfulness
- it has a joyful heart
- its life has purpose
- its a life of forgiveness-forgive others as you have been forgiven
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