Monday, February 15, 2016

Kahana Valley, Crouching Lion and a Few Other Treasures

there were huge metropolis' of spider webs, Marissa waving her wand clearing them, she always said sorry to them too
we had a ton of stream crossing, it was just easier to walk through it, we could not even imagine what this river would look like when it was raging during the rainy season
finally entering the bamboo forest

That was park 1 of the adventure
Now we head up Crouching Lion which is the beginning of Pu'u Manamana
 the valley we were just hiking in
 it's pretty windy up here today
  more of the mountain but another day
  funny story, I am climbing up and on the way back talking to this lady, she's lived here since she was 16, lives up on Pipeline beach, has three children that are pro surfers, the oldest 23.  I walk by her then turn asnd ask her if her son is John John, sure enough she is Alex Florence, John's mom.  Such a small island.

the left edge is the mt we just climbed
Adventure part 3
 yes, I jumped

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