Erica loves these fried noodles. If you look on the label it says Hawaii Candy. Yes, they have sugar in them. A sweet fried noodle-usually a Chinese Chicken Salad topper but like candy in our house. Owen, ever so perceptive, calls them One Ton Strips.

This is my friend Sarah, she had a 5 day club at her house this week. It's like a mini VBS. Teens are actually the teachers.

The kids had a blast. They loved playing in the huge yard,

singing songs,

sitting under the tree listening to bible stories and missionary Mary Slessor, hanging out with friends,

playing on the huge trees,

thank you so much Sarah!

and then we would head to the pool afterwards

we saw the shaka fish again,

these little guys are hard to get a picture of (there is one just above the little plastic green tree), I think I found a pet we finally won't kill, they live in an enclosed biome, they never need to be fed and the tank doesn't have to be cleaned,

here's how the Opae work, their waste become bacteria which turns into algae which is food for the Opae-sounds easy huh! There are 3 little guys in there now and we brought 3 home-so far so good,

you wouldn't believe what Evan found-he has such an eye and can pick it out of anywhere, if you enlarge the picture above you should be able to see it,

the kids swam laps at the pool everyday, I am so proud of them, Erica swam side stroke,

here we are, at a huge pool with a high dive and low dive, great slide, and where's Owen...playing in the sprinkler...
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