The theme of this years tea is pearls and lace,

based on the verse Matthew 13:46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Pearl is gate to God's dwelling, great price is Jesus, bought it is us, the body of believers. God paid an infinite price to dwell in the temple of the believer's body. Christ is the pearl of great price, the righteousness of Christ, pure and white with no defect. No work of men can improve the great and precious gift of God. Nothing of this world can satisfy the needs and longings of the human soul. Sell everything-get rid of all the idols, relics, things of the world and put everything into Jesus. We can not be a citizen of this world and a citizen of heaven. To walk through one of the 12 pearls-gates of heaven we have to be of God's kingdom. Give up worldly wealth for the riches of Jesus.

Sue ended with: a pearl begins with a grain of sand, an irritant, the pearl's value is based on it's luster. Let your irritants reflect the beauty and luster of Jesus. Let your value be the luster of Jesus.

Erica can fall asleep anywhere and in any position. My sweet beautiful child.
You both looked beautiful! I'm glad you had a nice time!
You both do look amazing!!!! Beautiful pearls inside and out! Lisa every year your table looks amazing! What a great message! We miss Calvary Chapel so much!
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