Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back in Hawaii

Life with Owen: "Evan opens his mouth more than he closes it."
Owen to his dad: "I wish I was a genius and smarter than my teacher's husband."
Heading out to Erica's horse lessons,
it's so beautiful out here,

there is a really really funny story behind this, you'd have to know Evan and how at times conversations can get really confusing with him-in one of those moments Erik covered his head with foil because he was starting to get affected,
Evan made up a game with all sorts of different artillery, different pieces moved based on the roll of the dice and could shoot only certain distances, here they are playing,
this is one of those local places that make their own food and has "da mos ono bread puddin' evah,"
Erica found a little egg,
this interesting looking gecko was part of our catch and release program,
T&T boys.


Mallard Nest said...

Aloha Hawaii! I know you had an amazing time, but I bet you are glad to be back! Love the first pony, Erica is riding!

Mallard Nest said...

PS. Great game idea Evan!