Map of the Temple Mount as it looks today.

Al-Aqsa Mosque facade on the southern end of the mount.

A few hidden stars. The Star of David, Magen David in Hebrew, has always been associated with Judism. It has two triangles, one representing the Tri-unity of God. Scriptures reveal there are three divine Persons; all are called God and all are named "hwhy" (the sacred name which is represented by four letter). The Father (Abba) is all the fullness of God invisible; Yeshua the Son (HaBen) is all the fullness of God made visible; the Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) is all the fullness of God as he acts upon creation. Genesis 1:26-27 tells us that God created mankind in His own image. Man is also a tri-unity. Mankind has a soul, a spirit, and a body, he is all three (Mark 12:28-30). The body is the fullness of man that is visible; the soul (our mind, intellect, will, volition, emotion, sensibility) is all the fullness of man that is invisible, the spirit is all the fullness of man as he relates to and communicates with his Creator. The body is not the soul nor the spirit as is the Son is not the Father nor the Spirit.

Depiction of Bethesda Pool.

Stepped street leading from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount.
1 comment:
I love the stepped street! I would have thought it was a hallway. Thanks for explaining the star.
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