Evan: I am the luckiest kid in the whole neighborhood! Me: How's that? Evan: I get ten hours of sleep every night! All the other kids go to bed late and only get six or eight hours of sleep. Me:............ Evan: My tooth (molar) hurts. I am going to pull it out. Me: No Evan, yuck, don't do that!
Me and everyone else:......................
Evan testing for his next belt.
He can now spar which he has been waiting most for.
The grandmaster was explaining about a really special promotion one kid was getting-into the Leadership Program. It comes with a special new uniform with the child's name on the back, the grandmaster showed the back of the uniform-it took Evan a moment to figure out it was his name! Not for a moment did he think the grandmaster was talking about him. For two days Evan walked around saying, "I can't believe it!" "I had no idea he was talking about me!"
Here he is getting his new uniform and Leadership manuals.
Congratulations all around! Good work Evan-we are so proud of you!
Wow, that's great!!!! Love that he gets 10 hours of sleep too :-).
Oh my Goodness! That is AWESOME Evan! Congratulations on the leadership award!
Leadership Award! And he didnn't even suspect it was for him. A good sign of a great leader...humbleness!
Good job, parents!
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