Sunday, March 15, 2009

Catching Up

We haven't done a whole lot but I figure I better post something. We had an awesome hike planned for Saturday but it poured all night and all day long so no cool hiking pictures.
This child is a product of homeschooling, he is acting out what he learns in history.
Owen took this, he thought it looked pretty wild,
We went to the museum on Saturday,
they have an animation exhibit right now,
Owen is making 100 frame animation film,
here they are learning how to draw cartoon characters,
Erica getting ready to leave for Sunday school in a new spring dress Grandma Marsha sent-thank you Grandma Marsha, this is a beautiful dress.


Traci said...

The museum looks so fun. Which one is it? Awl, what a pretty dress. And such a pretty girl!!

Mallard Nest said...

Owen what a awesome picture! I love the clouds! We saw almost the same thing the other day and it shot bright rays down on the mountains. It was amazing.

I would love to go to the museum with you guys!

Erica you look beautiful!