Thursday, March 26, 2009

Boxcar Racing Wednesday

We had so much fun boxcar racing with awanas. We were out there for 4 hours. The trades were blowing so it wasn't too hot. I was pitiful and totally wiped out coming into the second to last turn too fast, tipped the car, and ended up with road rash since I didn't have pants on. Erik teased me about my driving skills the rest of the day, especially since I was the only one to crash the entire time...
Waiting to walk their cars up the ramp,
Evan, Owen, Erik and Erica ready for the go signal,
Owen driving,
looks like Evan is going to win,
oh no, what happened, Evan was winning!?

In case you were wondering what it's like to drive a box car here is a video Erik took. Owen is on the left and Erica is sitting in the car with him.


Mallard Nest said...

That video is soooooooooooo cool! Great idea! You are no a bad driver! Just super competitive!

Cynthia said...


You are such a good driver that we can't wait until you are old enough to chauffeur us around Oahu!

Grandma Lyons

Amy Kaylor Photography said...

So fun. We just did the little soap box car races where the kids made them at Awanas.

Traci said...

I told you I would buy you some pants. Now let me see if I can find a size zero....Hmm.

You guys look like you had a total blast!! I would love to try that on our next visit!!

Clint, Tanya, Dane and Kimber said...

Wow, looks like a great time! Good idea with the video