Sunday, October 30, 2011


The SOEST Open House is such fun, I check their web site often-it is great resource for science workshops and lectures around the island which are usually kid friendly and free,
cornstarch and it a solid or
is it a liquid....
next learning about crust sampling,

learning how to do fossil rubbings,
next learning about marine phytoplankton,
learning about sea pressure,
practicing being on a research boat,

timed morning-Erica did it in 7 seconds!
here they learned about atmospheric pressure with a crushed can and balloon rocket experiment and how it relates to weather,
we spent the most time here learning about rocks, Erica loves rocks and has a large collection...that is all over the house...

next I stopped in to visit Chip Fletcher, now Associate Dean of SOEST and scientist for NOAA...go figure, I used to swim with him everyday at lunch when I went to UH, then he was head of UH's Geology & Geophysics Dept. His wife is a Dean at Punahou. The other person I swam with, Rick Rocheleau is head of UH Engineering and Director of HNEI (HI Natural Energy Institute) which is under SOEST and leading in grant acquisitions for UH...who knew?!
I showed the kids where my clinic and classes were when I was a grad student...which was right across
from the pool-I could walk out the front door of the clinic and into the front door of the pool.

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