There are awesome murals all over-I am going to try and get pictures when I see them.

Evan is doing his homework with Erik's radiation gloves.

The kids had a Mad Science field trip. They all loved the flash paper trick and had to see it quite a few times.

Erica loved the dry ice bubbles.

The kids got to make slime which they loved!

Oh Happy Day for me!! Christmas came early-Erik took the rest of the walls out of boys' room. It looks amazing. Since I am visionary and never finish anything anyway the holes don't bother me at all. There's one more closet on my hit list-half of it sits in Erica's room and the other half in the bathroom. Both of those rooms will be awesome with just one straight wall.
Thanks for the pictures and such! I love your blog and keeping up with my Hawaii family!!! We love you guys!!!
looks great! eric was telling me yesterday that it was a big project :)!
Love the murals! Please keep them coming! There are a bunch of amazing ones, especially by Wyland. Another great educational outing! Beautiful job Erik!
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