Flowers at the Hale

Erica made a flower with the leaves she and Ben gathered up.

Yeah! Ben is here! We got to do so much together, play at the pool, see Toy Story 3D, eat
Da Big Kahuna Pizza, go to Dave & Busters, had Teddy's Bigger Burgers...thank you so much Peggy and Doug!

Erica and Ben are best buddies. Ben is pretty protective of Erica.

Father's Day hamburgers.

Sleep over time!

Totally one of the kids...minus one pink chair with Erica in white cursive letters...
VBS this year was a blast. The kids love it and ask all year long when is it time for
VBS. This year's theme is slavery and escaping to freedom via the underground railroad. As Christians we escape from the slavery of sin by Jesus' death on the cross.

Dinner at Dave & Busters.

Playing games.

See that little green bar...Ben hit the jackpot for 1000 tickets. He jumped like this before anyone every realized what had happened. It was so exciting! That is a lot of tickets. We wish so much Peggy, Doug, and Ben could have stayed longer. We had so much fun. Erica misses you Ben!

Each team was a different part of the railroad and learned the historical basis for it. Evan was Stockholders, Owen was Station Masters, Erica was Agents and my team was...Baggage.
1 comment:
Wow, 1,000 tickets is huge at those places. Great job! What a pretty flower they made too. I love it at Hale Koa. Wish we could come back!!
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