Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Daddy Day Out

That's what we call the Saturdays Erik keeps the kids out from morning until dark.
They started at art and went to Zippy's for donuts,
the museum to pet the dinosaurs,

dig for bones,
make lava,
play at the pool,
the movie Astro Boy,
a chance to warm their hands in the "fire place" at the commissary, and then dinner at Arby's, plus they still had time to play outside for about an hour. Whew, I get tired just hearing about it.


Traci said...

I would so love to have about half of Erik's energy!!!

Mallard Nest said...

Me too!!! What awesome experiences they are having growing up. Erik is a great dad!

~Debbie D. said...

I so enjoy reading your posts, seeing your pictures....what a wonderful family!