March and April at the farm,

Hana with her winter coat,

loving the drive to get feed,

at 6:30 the farm gate is supposed to be locked, I pulled up just as someone was locking the gate...thing of it is...he added a second personal lock...

locking everyone in,

it took an hour before the lock could be cut and a lot of tired and hungry farmers could get out.

Evan built a really cool ramp for his bike, he jumped it, I was impressed,

it cracks me up how the chickens all go to high ground at night, during the day they have no fear, wandering in and out among the horses,

we got to kitten sit, Owen had a little buddy for certain,

cane spiders come with the land,

after a month of negotiations lot 18 wasn't to be ours (Erik won't let me go into details), what my dad said made us laugh so hard...
"there's no way you could do anything with 5.6 acres, that was the size of Pa and Ma's garden without the sweetcorn" I guess it's all a matter of perspective...

my favorite stop when buying feed, love the Thai ice tea and lime,

what happens when one rescues an egg.