Friday, March 9, 2012


...who actually know more about Hawaii than I do!

I had no idea my brother likes to pictures,

Tracey takes such interesting shots,

the tower had just been restored, it looked like it was going to fall at any moment and was pretty rusty,
They got to see a carrier leave, impressive,

sun rise at Makapou,

I have no idea how they found this, I need the scoop,

I thought this was on Kauai, tells you what I know,


Diamond head,

this is pretty cool, I never knew how Diamond Head got its name,

set of Hawaii 5-0

Puka Dogs,
The Big Island,
going for a hilo ride, pretty adventurous!

the black stuff is lava,

property must be reasonable here,


learning stand-up paddling,

still on the Big Island,

I love Tracey's comment on this: "My man...always prepared."
so, my husband had told my brother how the locals shovel snow into the back of their glad he caught a picture of it!

so glad they came to visit, when're coming back??